The U.S. government has recently funded programs to support the employment prospects of individuals with disabilities. An attorney and disability-rights activist reacts to the news and […]
Following up on a similar experiment from 2004, two economists have found that study participants systematically discriminated against job candidates with names they associated with Black […]
The California Legislature recently passed a bill that would require employers to adopt workplace violence prevention plans, maintain records of any threats or incidents of workplace […]
Global jobs board Indeed has reported that 50 percent of the U.S.-based job listings on the site now include some employer-provided salary information, the highest share… […]
On the path to leadership, women face challenges that men rarely have to consider, writes Jennifer McCollum, chief executive officer of Linkage, a SHRM company. McCollum […]
Creating star profiles–short, succinct descriptions of the behaviors or actions needed for success in a given position–is aneffective way to align human behavior with organizational objectives […]
The European Union’s Whistleblower Directive inspired the Whistleblower Protection Act in Germany, but the policies differ in important ways. Source: New feed 2
SHRM, in partnership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and other leading stakeholders, has launched an interactive learning and employment records (LERs) map that can […]