The majority of professional organizations are planning for a return to the workplace by the spring, although much uncertainty remains, according to research from The Conference […]
Christmas is around the corner and approaching fast! And people are eagerly planning for secret Santa gifts for everyone, be it family, friends, or co-workers. However, […]
Many priorities at the enforcement agencies soon to be led by President-elect Joe Biden will remain the same as under the direction of President Donald Trump, […]
The pandemic has forced people to embrace the virtual as the norm—be it work, or conducting everyday life chores. So when it comes to holding the annual […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a large fraction of the global workforce to work from home, which has led to an almost complete elimination of the […]
More people are dying from COVID-19 than at any other time in the pandemic. HR professionals may want to prepare for the possibility of losing someone […]
Do the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s rules on student-athlete pay violate federal antitrust law? The U.S. Supreme Court will consider a case this term asking that […]