The new 100 percent premium subsidy for COBRA coverage is in effect through September 2021. Here are answers to some of the most common and interesting […]
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, state unemployment insurance (UI) benefits, funded through payroll taxes, were exhausted. As a result, employers’ UI payroll taxes could double […]
Most employers expect a rise in activism among their employees by 2024. With no uniform definition of what employee activism is, or a singular response that […]
If a manager tells an employee, in confidence, that the business may be closing, can the employee warn colleagues? When an independent contractor becomes a full-time […]
As COVID-19 vaccines become widely available and businesses look to safely resume travel, employers may be wondering if they can require “vaccine passports”—proof of vaccination—before allowing […]
Many companies invest in coaching for executive employees. But there appears to be a growing realization that providing coaching opportunities to workers at all skill levels—even […]
Employers urgently need guidance from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as they devise their return-to-workplace strategies, the president and CEO of the Society for Human Resource […]