June 25, 2021

Colorado Supreme Court Strikes Down 'Use-it-or-Lose-it' Vacation Policies

The Colorado high court issued a long-awaited decision ruling that employers must pay employees for any earned but unused vacation time upon termination of employment Source: […]
June 25, 2021

New York HERO Act Requirements Significantly Modified

Both houses of the New York state legislature passed a package of amendments to the New York Health and Essential Rights (HERO) Act designed to clarify, […]
June 25, 2021

Can Employers Have Separate Policies Based on Vaccination Status?

By now, many employers know that federal, state and local COVID-19 workplace safety guidelines distinguish between vaccinated and unvaccinated employees. Source: New feed 2
June 25, 2021

UK: Can an Employee Really Visit a Pub While on Sick Leave?

A U.K. employee spotted drinking in a pub during a period of sickness absence prevailed on a claim of unfair dismissal. Source: New feed 2
June 25, 2021

Inflation's Return Will Affect Compensation

The consumer price index in May rose 5 percent from 12 months earlier—the largest yearly gain in over a decade. While that pace may moderate, economist […]
June 25, 2021

Deal on Physical Infrastructure Plan Reached

President Joe Biden reached a deal on a physical infrastructure plan June 24, one that Biden said he will sign—if approved by Congress—only if it’s accompanied […]
June 25, 2021

South Korea: 52-Hour Rule Slated to Take Effect for Small Businesses

In 2018, the South Korean Labor Standards Act was amended to restrict an employee’s maximum work hours from 68 hours to 52 hours per week. As […]
June 25, 2021

Oregon Updates and Expands Family Leave Act

Gov. Kate Brown signed a law amending the Oregon Family Leave Act’s eligibility and leave provisions. The amendments take effect on Jan. 1, 2022. Source: New […]
June 25, 2021

Connecticut Legalizes Recreational Marijuana

Connecticut recently became the 19th state to legalize adult recreational marijuana use. Provisions regarding lawful possession go into effect on July 1, but provisions affecting employers […]
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