Making a career change could happen for so many reasons. While satisfaction might be one of them, other reasons could suffice. However, it’s not an abomination […]
Two six-month global pilot programs testing a four-day workweek this year have been “a resounding success,” benefiting both organizations and their employees, according to a new […]
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all items rose 7.1 percent for the 12 months ending in November, before seasonal adjustment, the U.S. Bureau of Labor […]
The New York Department of Health has circulated a revised advisory on return-to-work protocols for healthcare personnel after infection or exposure to COVID-19. The new protocols, […]
Privacy and legal departments can audit external-facing privacy statements and other website practices to ensure compliance with the California privacy law amendments, which take effect in […]
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected an employer’s argument that computer start-up time occurred prior to certain employee shifts and that it was not […]
Sweden recently implemented major changes in employment law touching on workforce reductions, firing disputes, fixed-term employment and staffing agency workers. Source: New feed 2