June 11, 2023

Are Employees Really Quitting Because of Pay?

Although employees may cite salary as a factor, most people are going to quit “because they feel disrespected,” Richard Finnegan, chief executive officer of consulting… Source: […]
June 11, 2023

HR Must Understand Risks, Benefits of AI

Human resource leaders must educate themselves about AI so they can utilize its benefits in their work and explain to all employees how it can be […]
June 11, 2023

How to Create a Cutting-Edge Culture

Tracy Stock, a workplace expert and author, discussed how fostering a cutting-edge culture where employees are happy to come to work during a concurrent session at […]
June 11, 2023

Focus Your Efforts ‘Upstream’ to Change Company Culture

If you are constantly reacting to nagging turnover, performance and compliance issues, proactively identify the root of reoccurring problems within the company culture,… Source: New feed […]
June 11, 2023

Communicate Better and Drive Change Through Empathy

Employers need to engage and care about employees as humans, said consultants Terri and Robert Bogue during their SHRM23 session on empathy. Putting forth the effort […]
June 9, 2023

Texas Legislature Passes Data Privacy and Security Act

On May 29, H.B. 4, also known as the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act, passed in the Texas legislature. The bill will now land on […]
June 9, 2023

Quebec: Does an Employee’s Refusal to Return to Work in Person Justify Immediate Dismissal?

The Administrative Labor Tribunal in Montreal held that an employee’s refusal to return to work in person constituted an act of insubordination, but that the conduct […]
June 9, 2023

Colorado Amends Equal Pay for Equal Work Act

The Colorado legislature recently passed Senate Bill 23-105, which amends Colorado’s Equal Pay for Equal Work Act, to clarify employer obligations and add new obligations. The […]
June 9, 2023

Ask HR: Can Employers Take Disciplinary Action Against Employees with Bipolar Disorder?

Can employers discipline an employee who lashed out at a client while suffering effects from her bipolar disorder? How can someone hoping to find a job […]
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