February 8, 2018

Paying Transnational Telecommuters Can Trip Employers Up

Paying workers in countries where the employer has no registered presence can be tricky. Many organizations fail to realize the risks and run afoul of payroll […]
February 8, 2018

My SHRM-SCP Renewal Story: Welcome to Your Audit

Paul Young, SHRM-SCP, certification committee chair for Chicago SHRM, submitted his certification renewal application early—and quickly received a notice that he had been randomly selected for […]
February 8, 2018

House of Representatives Clears the Way for Harassment Claims

The House of Representatives passed a bill to make it easier for Congressional staffers to file harassment claims. Source: New feed 2
February 8, 2018

Vermont Legalizes Recreational Marijuana

Possessing and growing limited amounts of recreational marijuana will soon be legal in Vermont, making it the ninth state to approve nonmedicinal use of the drug […]
February 8, 2018

Wisconsin Employers Now Subject to Tort Claims for Temp Workers’ Injuries

The Wisconsin Court of Appeals has held that temporary workers who are injured while working for their host employers have the right to elect either to […]
February 8, 2018

New York City Laws Grant Employees Power to Dictate Their Schedules

The New York City Council passed another scheduling law that provides employees with additional rights to demand changes to their work schedules, with little flexibility for […]
February 8, 2018

Drug-Coverage Disclosures Are Due by March 1

Each year, employers that provide prescription drug coverage to Medicare-eligible workers, dependents or retirees must disclose to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services whether their […]
February 8, 2018

Massachusetts High Court Says Sick Pay Doesn’t Constitute Wages

Employers are not liable under the Massachusetts Payment of Wages Law if they choose not to pay out accrued, unused sick pay to employees upon termination […]
February 8, 2018

Recertification Q&A: Categories of Credits

Must I enter professional development credits (PDCs) from each of the three categories (Advance Your Education, Advance Your Organization and Advance Your Profession) in order to […]
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