Best practices for attracting, hiring and retaining veterans form the SHRM Foundation’s new educational program developed for HR professionals, hiring managers and front-line supervisors. The free […]
More states—Michigan, Missouri and Utah—legalized the use of marijuana in ballot measures on Election Day, Nov. 6. Employers in these states should review their drug-use policies […]
Paid parental leave, a federal minimum wage hike and union-friendly laws are among the issues Democrats will work to advance on Capitol Hill after winning control […]
SHRM chapter programs and HR conferences are all great options for recertification. But if you’re lookign for a real professional challenge, Matthew Burr, SHRM-SCP, recommends these […]
Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law that will require California employer to review and potentially revise their lactation accommodation policies. Source: New feed 2
Connecticut announced that in January 2019 it will begin requiring private-sector employers without their own workplace-based retirement plans to enroll employees in individual retirement arrangements (IRAs) […]
Why do companies get caught up in illegal behavior, harassment and toxic leadership? Research identifies an underlying cause: what researchers call a “masculinity contest culture.” Source: […]
Working mothers represented by unions are 17% more likely to use paid maternity leave than mothers not represented by unions. All workers expecting a new baby […]
The final annual fee that self-insured health plan sponsors will pay to fund the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)—due July 31, 2019—will go up by less […]