April 23, 2019

Augmented Writing Technology Boosts Diversity Initiatives

Augmented writing technology uses vast collections of data points to help users predict how audiences will respond to their messages. For recruiting, machine intelligence identifies patterns […]
April 23, 2019

Your Career Q&A: When You Do All the Right Things but Still Don’t Get the Promotion

You’ve put in the time, developed your skills and become part of your company’s “inner circle”–but you still can’t get that promotion. What’s gone wrong? Career […]
April 22, 2019

Supreme Court to Decide if Civil Rights Act Prohibits LGBT Discrimination

The Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. […]
April 22, 2019

District Judge Says ERISA Doesn’t Pre-Empt CalSavers Retirement Plan

​California can require employers to deduct pay from employees’ paychecks for a state-sponsored retirement savings plan without running afoul of federal law, a federal judge in […]
April 22, 2019

Do State Wage and Hour Laws Apply on the Outer Continental Shelf?

The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in a dispute about whether state or federal employment laws applied to an offshore drilling rig worker’s wage […]
April 22, 2019

Employers Tackle Social Factors Imperiling Workers’ Health

More employers are working on community health initiatives with their local business associations and municipal governments to address social factors linked with poor employee health. Source: […]
April 22, 2019

Putting Humanity into HR Compliance: Collapse the HR Triangle—Enable but Don’t Be an Enabler

How can HR professionals help managers have difficult conversations in a timely, constructive way? And how can HR do so without creating a communication triangle with […]
April 22, 2019

Maine Joins States that Ban Salary-History Inquiries

Maine recently became the latest state to ban employers from asking job candidates about their current or past earnings—joining seven other states that impose such bans. […]
April 19, 2019

Microinternships Offer New College-to-Career Path

Professional short-term projects serve as mutual auditions for employers seeking talent and college students interested in certain roles or industries—all outside of the formal, semester-long internship […]
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