Most college students need a job that won’t interfere with their academic work at least to raise some money for school. But some of them actually think it’s not doable. It is! There are many high paying jobs for college students out there to choose from. And the interesting thing is, some of the employers of these high paying student jobs won’t actually know you’re a college student, in some cases, you can do them anonymously – without having to be identified by the employer; a typical example is the gig jobs.
Make your choice from the following list of jobs for college students below. Let us know the one you find very interesting and easier to do based on your field of study and don’t forget to tell us how you got yours to encourage others.
The quoted pay rate for each of the jobs for college students listed is based on a national value for those services. In other words, they may vary slightly (higher or lower) based your state and on client’s discretion.
Transcribing is an easy job to do as a college student. It only requires you to produce a written copy of what was said in an audio recording. While transcribing could be a little demanding, it’s one of the high paying college student jobs out there.
This college job can be very rewarding. It allows you to earn by practicing your skills. Students planning a career in education can benefit more. The job requirement is to teach people at different levels, could be a kid or any other lower-level student. The level may determine how much you could earn.
If writing is your thing, then you have a good chance with this part-time college job, especially English majors. It allows you to work from home and equally control the frequency of your work. Students hoping to make a career in writing are mostly encouraged to do this college job.
This part-time job requires you to have a nice camera and a good shooting experience. Creative students who love photography and art will do excellently and deliver good jobs for good money.
Your creativity won’t have to be wasting. Being a freelance graphic designer will not only yield money but build your portfolio and experience if you want a career in design.
This part-time college job is specifically for animal lovers. Just hang out with adorable dogs and get paid! It’s that simple. Clients can also pay heavier for pet sitting overnight for as high as $75 or between $20 and $50 for a day. Background checks are usually required for this student job.
You can perform administrative tasks in the comfort of your home and get paid. That’s what virtual assistants do. They may include creating PowerPoint presentations, performing some scheduling, managing an email, and other related flexible duties that can be performed remotely. It’s one of the college student jobs anyone can do.
N/B: the quoted pay rate for each of the jobs for college students listed is based on a national value for those services. In other words, they may vary slightly (higher or lower) based your state and on client’s discretion.
The post A Curated List of Jobs for College Students appeared first on The HR Digest.
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