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5 Do’s and Don’ts on How to Ask for a Raise


Talking about money is taboo in many cultures. But asking for a raise is a part of the job. If you are avoiding it out of nervousness, you’re potentially losing a vast amount of money. To help you overcome this discomfort, we’ve built a list of dos and don’ts you could follow before you ask for a raise.

Note down your accomplishments

Did you recently succeed in a big project at work? Now is the time to ask for a pay raise. Use this momentum of your success, and ask for a salary raise. A raise is a recognition for the work you’ve done. It isn’t a gift, rather it is a way for your organization to recognize and acknowledge your value and efforts.

Time your request

Find out when your next performance review is. Is it every six months or once-in-a-year? Discuss with your human resources department to get an idea of the company’s review policy.

If you wait until the performance review cycle has passed, it might be too late for you to ask for a raise.

Phrase question carefully

Don’t walk in for a meeting with your boss and human resources without having prepared beforehand. Make a list of your accomplishments, along with a list of reasons that explain why you deserve a raise. You can also ask for a raise if you feel you’re doing more work than your counterparts. Expansion of responsibilities at work is a valid reason when you’re asking for a raise.

Ask in person

Ask your boss when they might have time to discuss a raise in your salary. If meeting in-person is not possible, you may even request a salary raise via email. A discussion when your boss and human resources is around is the best way to show that you’re serious about the matter.

Don’t expect an immediate answer

Ideally, you should wait for a week or two to hear back from your boss regarding the raise. Expecting an immediate answer will only make you more anxious about it.

Many organizations have a formal policy in place which requires a proper assessment of the employee’s performance before handing them out a salary raise.


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