If you have a good understanding of what imposter syndrome at work looks like, then good for you. But if you don’t, permit us to jog your memory a bit.
Imagine finishing a project and the next thing your colleagues start to congratulate you with nice compliments. It would be nice to appreciate all of them by accepting their compliments, but instead imposter syndrome comes in. In this case, you start to downplay your achievements by saying things like “I just got lucky” or “it’s nothing honestly.”
Business, work. People in the office
This is what imposter syndrome at work looks like. It happens when people start feeling like a fraud at work and decide not to appreciate themselves by downplaying their achievements. That feeling of not being perfect or good enough—well, we are here to call it off.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what imposter syndrome at work is, and how you can go about dealing with imposter syndrome at work.
Imposter syndrome is a term used to describe when a person isn’t feeling worthy of some accolades. This means that they doubt the achievements they have gotten and because they end up feeling like a fraud, they make the achievements look so little.
Some signs of imposter syndrome include downplaying your achievements, seeking perfection, doubting yourself, having little to no self-confidence, feeling like a fraud at work, fear, and so much more.
When dealing with imposter syndrome at work, there are certain steps to take. These steps help you to analyze the signs of imposter syndrome and how you can curb them. These include:
The first step to dealing with imposter syndrome at work is to understand the situation—yourself basically. What signs have you noticed over time? Do you say things like “it was just luck”? Do you doubt and limit yourself? Are you scared of trying new things because of the fear of failure? Determining what signs of imposter syndrome you have will help you in tackling the problem.
Imposter syndrome at work makes it look like if you can’t do it perfectly, then you are not good at all. We should preach and practice progress over perfection. No one is perfect and we tend to make mistakes from time to time. So, instead of beating yourself up, enjoy your progress and get rid of the fear of perfectionism.
This is one of the major ways of dealing with imposter syndrome work. As little as you perceive your wins to be, they ought to be celebrated. You should give yourself some accolades because you deserve them. Take yourself out on that lunch, throw a mini party, buy your favorite shoe, or do something at least. This will help you to fight the battle of imposter syndrome.
Lest we forget, you are not alone in this situation. Several people have faced it, are facing it, and will probably face it as time goes on. For this reason, you have mentors out there who have been in a similar situation. It’s important that you connect with them and if possible discuss the topic. Find out how they got out of the situation of feeling like a fraud at work.
Yes, we know the saying goes, “if you can’t beat ‘em, join them” but you can’t join this situation. Instead, you will use it. Yes, you tend to doubt yourself but you are going to use it for a better result. You will face it head-on, step into that room with confidence and bring in your thoughts. You are going to appreciate your accomplishments whenever possible. You are going to enjoy your progress and let go of perfectionism.
Facing imposter syndrome at work can be a lot to take in. You tend to doubt yourself even when you know you deserve that compliment. Fear not because these tips we have provided on dealing with imposter syndrome will help you get rid of it.
The post How to deal with imposter syndrome at work appeared first on The HR Digest.
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