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10 Must-Ask Exit Interview Questions You Should Ask

It’s hard to say goodbye to an employee — a very good one at that. But it can’t be stopped either, especially if they have made up their mind to. By asking the best exit interview questions, you’ll have a clear clue on how to prevent others from leaving and increase your retention rates.

Employees tend to leave a company for various reasons. And that’s why exit interview questions are important. These questions help employers to understand an employee’s experience and their reason for leaving.

What questions should be asked in an exit interview?

In this article, we will provide the best exit interview questions and what information they provide.

best exit interview questions

1. Why are you leaving?

This is one of the best exit interview questions to ask an employee that is leaving. It gives you an idea of the reason why an employee plans to leave. It will also help in re-accessing your company’s goals and policies if need be.

2. What area do we need to improve on?

This simple exit interview question helps to give your company room for improvement. When an employee is about to leave, it’s best to ask for their takes on the company’s culture and practices.

3. What resulted in you searching for another job?

Another simple exit interview question to ask is of the reason for starting a job hunt. Was the pay too low? Was the work too exhausting? Was there no chance for growth? Answers to these questions will help an employer know what to do differently for other current and incoming employees.

4. What did you enjoy most about your job?

There’s always a need to ask good exit interview questions. You should find out how an employee enjoyed a job. This will help you re-strategize and do things that work better for your employees.

5. What should we have done better?

One of the best exit interview questions to ask is this. It is quite similar to number 2. But the difference is that it answers the “how.” It gives specific ways things should have been done if the case of leaving a company was a bad one.

6. Do you feel like your job description changed after you were hired? If so, in what ways?

On the issue of turnover rates, some employees leave organizations because they are given something different from what was previously discussed. This stops them from growing in their desired career and reduces productivity. Such employees will prefer to resign than continue to work where their heart isn’t. This question determines if an employee’s resignation was for this reason.

7. What was the biggest factor that encouraged you to accept this job?

This is another simple exit interview question to ask to determine if previously discussed goals were met. There are so many reasons why an employee might have joined your company and understanding their major reason will help.

8. What circumstances will encourage you to return to the company?

In a case where the supposed employee is of top value to the company, it would be wise to try to draw them back (if possible). Asking them if you can make any changes to retain them is important. Can you increase their salary? Can you re-access their job description and make changes? Can you offer flexibility?

9. Do you think you were equipped with the right tools to do your job well?

This exit interview question will help especially when filling up their space. To increase the retention rate, you’ll have to provide tools that support your employees. An employee will give tips on the tools needed—if there are any.

10. What influenced your decision to take on the new role?

This next exit interview question will help you to determine what your competitors are doing differently. Did they offer flexible work? Did they provide training for growth? Are there certain perks and benefits?

  • How would you describe our company culture?
  • Did you feel like a valuable part of the company?
  • Did you receive feedback to help you improve?
  • Would you recommend our company to a friend looking for a job?
  • Is there anything else you would like to share?

With the best exit interview questions, an employer can improve the chance of higher retention rates and reduce turnover rates. Some of these questions also help in improving company culture.

The post 10 Must-Ask Exit Interview Questions You Should Ask appeared first on The HR Digest.

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