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Working Etiquettes We Got To Learn From “The Intern”

Being a professional means more than just having the right skills. It’s also about understanding how to work with others, how to communicate in the workplace, and how to create a positive environment. And that’s how we feel about The Intern movie. 

The movie stars Robert De Niro as Ben, a 70-year-old widower who takes on an internship at an e-commerce fashion site run by Anne Hathaway’s character Jules. And while it may seem like a comedy at first glance, it’s actually a great example of what happens when you work with people who have different values and expectations than yours. It also shows how those differences can affect your work relationships.

This article outlines some of the work etiquettes from The Intern and how their workplace culture affected their relationships. 


Some Work Etiquettes from The Intern Movie

The Intern work culture is a great option to learn from if you wish to create a diverse workforce. Here are some of the lessons we can learn from this movie:

Flexibility is key. 

Flexibility is one of the important things “The Intern” has taught us about the workplace. At first, Ben struggles to fit in with the younger employees, but he eventually learns to adapt. As an 80-year-old retired man, he was used to the traditional way of working. Moving into a more tech-friendly work space must have been a lot to take in for an employee that age. But instead of wallowing in these problems, Ben opens himself up to learning and adapting to the new change gradually. This simply teaches us to always be as flexible as possible. Your case might not be similar to that of Ben’s. It could mean that your organization needs you to take on a different role within a specific time frame. Instead of complaining, you can try to adapt to the change. Flexible workers are more likely to succeed regardless of the workplace culture. 

Learn to dress properly. 

The Intern movie also teaches us to dress properly for work all the time. We see both Jules and Ben, and other staff members dedicating time to dressing up every single day. Ben is especially dedicated to his suit and tie. The good thing about dressing properly is that you eventually earn the respect of those around you, and you will feel good too. It’s important that you take note of what your company’s dress code policies are and work within them. Avoid dressing shabbily for work. You should dress the way you want to be addressed. 

It’s never too late to learn. 

The Intern work culture simply gave room for learning and growth. In fact, Ben’s lifestyle should be the norm for every single employee. There’s no end to learning. It must always continue, whether you are new to the job or a professional. There will be a need for change, which will eventually mean new methods of doing things. Just like Ben, we can agree that we need to make an effort to embrace this change through unlearning and learning. Always be open to learning and letting go of old ways of accomplishing tasks. This way, organizations and employees alike can grow and advance in the workplace. 

Build quality relationships. 

The Intern work culture also promoted the need for having reliable and quality relationships with those around you. Such relationships can help you in any situation at the workplace. You can have people who will have you back at any time and who are also willing to help you navigate problems. It’s completely necessary that you take your time to select those who can be trusted among your colleagues. You should also be a good person that others can rely on. Be ready to be a good listener and communicator with your work buddies. 

Always learn from your mistakes. 

Mistakes are bound to happen no matter what kind of workplace culture your office is governed by. You and your employees will most likely make one or more mistakes within their lifetimes at your organization. The important fact is that you can learn from each of these mistakes. In fact, mistakes help you succeed at anything, even at the workplace. They are more of a stepping stone to success. Failure should always push us to want and learn more. It should motivate us to get our heads back in the game and aim for greater height. The Intern movie has taught us that we can dream and work towards achieving that dream, irrespective of the problems we might face in between. 

Believe in yourself. 

Jules’ fashion site was a startup that had barely reached two years in business. However, her dream of building her company to a great extent was still in motion. Many people would say they had achieved so much in nothing more than two years for a small startup. But the underlying problem is that you could get demotivated if you are not confident or surrounded by good people. Jules became filled with doubts at some point in the movie. She had family issues, and then her investors were questioning her ability to lead. It’s enough for her to give up on her dreams and walk away. But instead, Ben pushes Jules into becoming the best version of herself. He lets her know that she has come a long way and that quitting is not an option. We should learn from this and always be ready to push through those thoughts. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, but don’t stay there. 

Always prioritize your health. 

One of the work etiquettes from The Intern is Ben’s health management. As employees, it’s easier to overwork ourselves, especially when we have a messy workplace culture. In this movie, Ben understands that his health is a priority, and he won’t have it any other way. Ben is seen exercising regularly to stay in shape despite his busy work schedule. He also endeavors to get enough sleep so he can feel refreshed and ready for work the next day. We should also learn to prioritize our health regardless of what our work responsibilities are. This can mean taking breaks during the workday to refresh our minds, eating healthy dishes, taking a walk around the office, practicing mindfulness, and disconnecting from the office after work hours. If you struggle with mental health, you should also reach out to HR to determine what well-being programs are available to you. 

Stay Humble 

One of the things we have learned from Ben and Jules is that humility always pays off. Ben is a retired employee who has had several more years of experience than all the other younger employees in the company. But Ben never tried to show off or belittle anyone. Instead, he welcomed their ideas and was always ready to learn from them. Jules, on the other hand, is the CEO of the organization, but she always ensures that she respects every single person she works with. She holds herself accessible and accountable to her employees and makes her office a good place to work. 


The Intern movie has taught us a lot about the workplace and how we should go about every situation we find ourselves in. We should learn from these etiquettes and make our organizations less intimidating. 

The post Working Etiquettes We Got To Learn From “The Intern” appeared first on The HR Digest.

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