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What Questions to Ask In an Employee Engagement Survey

What is employee engagement? Organizations are often mistaken with employee happiness for engagement. While the two terms sound alike, they are actually quite different. To make sure that your employee are happy and engagement at work, you first need to distinguish the difference between the two terms:

Employee Engagement & Employee Happiness

Employee engagement is the mental and emotional connection an employee feels towards their organization. Imagine an employee motivated to show up to work and do everything in their power to accomplish the goals and vision of the company.

Employee happiness is the state of the employee enjoying their job – it does not necessarily equate to high engagement. Imagine an employee motivated to show up to work on time and leave late without contributing much to the organization.


Portrait of smiling young administrative manager.

While engaged employees are happy with their jobs, happy employees are not engaged with theirs.

Now that you know the difference, let’s move onto the importance of an employee engagement survey.

Employee Engagement Survey 

Employee feedback is the most important thing you’ll need today to procure data for people analytics. When drafting a list of questions for the employee engagement survey, it’s crucial to ask questions that make employees feel heard and understood that their feedback affects the vision of the company.

Let’s go over a few employee engagement survey questions:

I feel appreciated and valued here.

I have the necessary resources to go a good job.

My supervisor has shown a genuine interest in my learning and performance.

My supervisor is a great role model for our team.

I believe there are excellent career opportunities for me at this company.

I have a great balance between my work and personal life.

I receive recognition for good work.

I would recommend [name of the company] as a great place to work.

I am proud to work for [name of the company].

I see myself working here in two years’ time.

Is there something else you feel we should have asked you in this survey?

If you want to take your organization to the next level, you should strive to make your employees engaged at work. A little investment in employee engagement can go a long way in strengthening the success of the company. The best time to conduct an employee engagement survey is now.

The post What Questions to Ask In an Employee Engagement Survey appeared first on The HR Digest.

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