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What Is the Number One Reason People Get Fired?

Not so long ago, I read about this elementary school administrator in Mississippi who was sacked for reading I Need a New Butt!, a humorous children’s book to a class of second-graders. The incident spurred criticism and a wave of supporters who felt the move was some form of censorship of books in the school. Twitter, on the other hand, turned into a temporary therapy clinic for people who had their own stories of getting fired. A revelation that followed was getting fired from a job can happen for so many reasons. But the biggest reason people get fired is a result of their character. We will explain more about this later in this article.

Employers spend time trying to get the right fit for roles in their company and they won’t hesitate to do the same when letting go of employees who aren’t performing as expected. Many people often believe that job performance and other factors are one of the biggest reasons people get fired.

While these play a huge role in getting fired, character tops it all. For example, poor job performance comes as a result of one’s character. In this article, we look at the biggest reason people get fired—personality — and some other reasons for firing an employee.

What Is the Number One Reason People Get Fired?

The Number One Reason Why People Get Fired

As earlier said, we believe the biggest reason people get fired is because of their personality or character. This factor plays a huge role in an individual’s life. Your personality matters. Many companies are looking to hire the right candidates that won’t only match the required skills but align properly with their culture. It’s okay to have all the skills but if you get on an interview and your personality says otherwise, there’s a high chance your hiring manager might decline. Overall, we are convinced that the true personality of a person can either make or break their career.

What are other reasons for firing an employee?

While character boils down to these other factors, you should still know what some of the reasons to fire an employee are. They include:

  • Poor Job Performance: One of the reasons to fire an employee can be a result of poor performance at work. These could include delivering poor-quality tasks, slacking off during meetings, not contributing ideas to facilitate team projects, not putting in enough work, and so on.
  • Bullying and Harassing Colleagues: Another reason an employer might decide to fire an employee might be because of their attitude towards others. These could include managers bullying other employees, physical or sexual harassment, fighting others, and so on.
  • Lateness to Work: This one doesn’t seem so real but some workplaces do take this seriously. A company might strictly warn an employee on the first three incidents but might take another turn if it becomes a habit. If you’ve any important reason that could be making you go late to work, you should try and talk things out with your manager and see the way forward.
  • Going Social: Another cause for why many employees get fired is because they decided to take work matters to social media. Confidentiality is an important aspect of the workplace and most organizations are strict on that. Whether your boss is mean to you or your co-workers are terrible, we advise that you settle things within your organization instead of posting these things on social media.
  • Damaging Company’s Property: Many employees get into fights and end up destroying many of a company’s assets. Some do it intentionally without considering what could go wrong. We believe there are rules on what you should and shouldn’t touch. Strictly abide by them and avoid getting fired.
  • Stealing: Stealing is an illegal act and how much so stealing from an organization. Individuals that end up in this category can get jailed and fired from work at once depending on the laws at that time.
  • Mismatch: This reason for firing an employee might not result from wrongdoing. However, it happens because an employee wasn’t a fit for the job. Maybe the skills don’t match or the expectations an employer had weren’t achieved.

A person’s character, one of the biggest reasons people get fired, can’t be overlooked. Once a person doesn’t align with a company’s culture, there’s a tendency of getting fired at the end of the day.

The post What Is the Number One Reason People Get Fired? appeared first on The HR Digest.

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