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What is the best day to fire an employee?

Here at The HR Digest, Jane Harper is often asked to give her insights on when is the best day to fire an employee? Is there really a best day of the week to terminate someone? Truth be told, there is never an ideal time to fire an employee. If you’ve ever had to fire an employee, you already know it’s an uncomfortable affair no matter what.

While you may fire an employee any time you like, there are a few opinions on what is the best day of the week to fire someone. Have at it:

Friday: Historically, employers let go of people on Friday because it makes more sense for payroll and accounting. It also leads to fewer incidents as the employee is out of the office. If you’re worried about an angry employee who might cause issues, this might be the best option.

best day of the week to fire an employee

Mid-week: The middle of the week i.e. Tuesday – Thursday is optimal for employees who were let go due to financial reasons. It allows the employee to put themselves out there on the job market.

End of the Pay Period: Terminating an employee at the end of the pay period is considered ideal for accounting reasons. This is an ideal option for employers who are looking to conduct mass layoffs.

End of the Day: Getting fired at the end of the day allows the employee to privately clean out their desk and head home.


You’ll find thousands of pages on Google filled with arguments for any day of the week to fire someone or any time of the day for that matter. Many seasoned executives say that you must let go of someone as soon as you’ve made the decision to fire them, no matter which day it falls on the calendar. Hang around the decision will only make the employee work longer than necessary.

Firing someone is an unpleasant experience. And let’s face it: there’s no way around it. In spite of that, you can make it as smooth as possible, and protect your legal and financial interests by treating the ex-employee with courtesy on their way out.

The post What is the best day to fire an employee? appeared first on The HR Digest.

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