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What Is A Career Self-Assessment?

Have you ever felt dissatisfied with your career in the long run even though it looked like the best job ever? Well, most people can relate to this. The rate at which employees feel unhappy and less satisfied with their jobs is alarming and you might ask why. Here’s an answer; many people go into their current jobs without doing any self-assessment and determining if the job was truly for them. We get it, the job offer might be tempting. It might even be one of the top companies in the world. But is it worth your happiness and satisfaction? Absolutely not, if you think about it.

Several people can testify to this. The success of your job mainly depends on how happy and satisfied you are with your career. That’s why many people are opting for a career transition at a point where it should have seemed rosy in their various careers. So how can you ensure you get a job that matches your satisfaction? A simple answer – by using a career assessment.

What Is A Career Self-Assessment?

What is self-assessment?

A self-assessment is a practice done to get vital information on an individual’s skills, abilities, likes, and dislikes. This concept covers both the strengths and weaknesses of a person. Self-assessments are used mainly by students who are looking to make a

career decision and for employees looking to make a career transition.

A career assessment is a great way to utilize one’s skills and increase satisfaction in their career. Individuals gain knowledge of how good they are at certain areas and how they can leverage that into a job. However, these assessments do not give career information (information on the type of jobs a person will be the best fit for). They only assist by highlighting the skills, values, etc, a person has to offer.

Why are career self-assessments important?

If picking the right career path is important to you, then you’ll agree that a career assessment is just as important for the same. A self-assessment is needed to help people make better decisions in regard to their careers. Here are some reasons why having a career assessment done is necessary:

Highlights your Skills

This assessment helps you in understanding what skills you have and how they can be used effectively. Whether you are a student or an employee seeking a career transition doing this will shed more light on what skills you have to offer. This will in turn help you to make better decisions on where you want to head in terms of career development.

Better Understanding of Strengths and Weaknesses

Many of us are often perplexed when we are asked what our strengths and weaknesses are. But worry not, because with career assessments you can have all the answers. You’ll be able to understand your areas of lack and even improve on those aspects.

Broad Knowledge of Interests

Satisfaction can only be achieved if you are interested in what you are doing. With an assessment, you can have a better understanding of what types of careers interest you and apply for such jobs.

Sets your Workplace Priorities

Your personality and values are also key factors that influence your performance at work. That’s why understanding what they are is a big deal. Your workplace priorities can be determined when you are aware of what you can and can not stand. For example; a person with a more reserved personality will succeed in a role where there’s little to no customer relation.

Obtain a Clearer Future Goal

One of the best parts of working is having a clear goal of what you want your future to look like. But with a job where there’s no satisfaction, it’s hard to have a clearer perspective. With career assessments, people can set their goals and work towards achieving them.

What are some career self-assessment tools to try?

If you’ve gotten this far, congratulations. You are ready to advance into the next level of your life, career-wise. Here are some tools that can help you perform good self-assessment asides from seeking professional assistance:

  • Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator
  • Holland Code Evaluation
  • The Clifton strengths Test
  • Career Beliefs Inventory Test
  • Occupation Information Network

Taking the right decisions for your career matters. Your decisions can make or break you in the long run and that’s why understanding your skills, personality, and values are important. Job seekers should assess themselves to ensure they find jobs that resonate with their satisfaction.

The post What Is A Career Self-Assessment? appeared first on The HR Digest.

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