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Things to Keep in Mind When Starting a New Job

We often get mixed feelings when starting a new job. You are excited for the new journey and, at the same time, trying to tread carefully so you don’t make any silly mistakes. You also have the new employee learning sessions to attend. It can be a lot at times.

But the good thing is that you get to have a smooth onboarding process as long as the new company you are working for follows the right ethics. However, there are dos and don’ts for a new employee when it comes to starting out at a new place, and you need to note them.

Your new employee learning sessions should be taken seriously, as this will shape you into a good employee. Here are some of the dos and don’ts for a new employee when starting a new career journey.

Dos and Don’ts for a New Employee

“Welcome to the team!” is what you’ll most likely hear when you join a new organization during the first few days. And if you are not careful, you could ruin your chances of staying long term. For this reason, we have compiled some of the things you should and shouldn’t do as a new employee.

Things to Keep in Mind When Starting a New Job

Do’s for a new employee:

1) Take the onboarding process seriously. HR will most definitely have something in store for their new members. However, you must play your part by following up with the process. A new employee’s learning process comprises all the details and expectations. It is the best time to learn about an organization, their practices, and your role within it.

2) Be friendly. Another important thing to do is to make friends. While not everyone will be nice to you and scream, “Welcome to the team!” It is still necessary that you remain friendly to everyone. Make friends with your colleagues who are welcoming, and respect those who aren’t.

3) Align with the culture. Before you applied for the job, you probably went through their website and other platforms to see what it feels like to work for them. Now that you’ve been onboarded, you’ll need to work in a way that suits their culture. Every organization has its unique features, and you must know and learn yours to work effectively.

4) Work hard. You should be able to make your mark within the first few months. This means that you need to put in the work and prove that you are worth the role. Organizations are very keen on monitoring new workers, and they don’t mind letting you go if you aren’t meeting their expectations. So you must work hard and deliver as expected.

5) Participate. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, you’ll need to give input once in a while. It could be sharing ideas, talking with your leaders, attending events, and so on. However, you should try to participate in at least one of these things to show that you are highly interested in the company and hope to see it grow.

Don’ts for a new employee:

6) Start on the wrong foot. First impressions do matter. You can’t start off your first day by arriving late to the office or quarreling with a fellow coworker. This could taint your image and put you on the wrong path. So try as much as possible to avoid bad impressions.

7) Start complaining. Whether you are used to an organization’s way of working or not, you should avoid side comments. Complaining on the first day or the first few weeks is the wrong thing to do. Instead, you should focus on the positives and build on them.

8) Share too much. While you should be friendly to others, you must avoid going overboard. Keep work and life separate. Avoid sharing too many personal details with your colleagues and keep things professional at all costs.

Along with the new employee learning sessions, new workers must understand that they have a part to play in the entire process as well. This will make their new career journey easier to navigate.

The post Things to Keep in Mind When Starting a New Job appeared first on The HR Digest.

Source: New feed