Contract, In-Office, Remote: Which Is the Best Hiring Solution for Your Company?
September 22, 2017
Diversity & Inclusion Practice Area Head – NeuroLeadership Institute – New York State
September 22, 2017

Presenting tips for phone interview with a step-by-step guide

When we step into adulthood, we often let out a sigh of relief thinking that the stress of appearing for exams is left behind. We often fail to notice that this stress is replaced by something even more severe, the stress to deal with a job interview. Many well-wishers and experienced people have a long list of things to do while appearing for the interview. But nobody ever warns us about the things we must take care of while appearing for a phone interview. Therefore here we are providing a step-by-step guide consisting of tips for phone interview.

Step 1: a heads-up about the company

Irrespective of the nature of the job interview, it is necessary for the candidate to do his research. You must have enough knowledge about the company and what kind of services it offers. Read about the company in such a manner that you get an idea of the kind of duties you will be assigned according to your job profile.

Step 2: make notes

When we have a face-to-face interaction with a person, we pay more attention to the conversation and have our doubts clarified accordingly. While on a telephonic conversation, we might miss out on some factors. This is why it is important to jot down a list of questions you would like to ask the employer beforehand. Such a practice is to avoid any misconceptions and to make sure that all your doubts are clarified.

Step 3: stay hydrated

For a usual job interview, your attire, body language, and facial expressions help create an impact on the interviewer. But on a phone interview, you only have your voice and intonations to strike an impression. To make sure that you succeed at doing so, the most basic thing to do is stay hydrated. Have a glass of water before the expected time of the phone call. By doing so, your voice will sound clear and you will be able to articulate your thoughts well. Having water will also calm down your nerves.

Tips for phone interview

Here we are providing a step-by-step guide consisting of tips for phone interview.

Step 4: keep your documents in front of you

The HR of the company you have applied to might have already asked for your documents and CV through email. These documents will also be presented to your interviewer. Based on this, he will ask you questions. To help you answer these questions smoothly, keep a copy of all these documents in front of your throughout the interview.

Step 5: pick a spot for your phone interview

To make sure that the interviewer’s questions are audible during the interview, pick a quiet spot. This spot must be such that it’s devoid of external disturbances and has excellent cell phone reception. Preferably, this place can be a part of your home which you are well accustomed to. Make sure that none of the musical devices in the house are on and close the doors and windows to avoid further disturbances.

Step 6: smile, even if it’s not visible

A number of psychological studies have proven that a smile can have a positive effect on the person you are interacting with. But is it applicable to a telephonic conversation as well? Absolutely. If you smile while talking, the person at the other end of the phone call can recognize the smile in your voice. This will work in your favor. And also make sure you are calm. Be confident and you will nail the phone interview with some simple tips!

The post Presenting tips for phone interview with a step-by-step guide appeared first on The HR Digest.

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