9th Circuit Revives Nike and Converse Employee Security Check Claims
July 3, 2019
HR Project Manager – Clarkson University – Potsdam, NY
July 3, 2019

July 4th Office Party Ideas that’ll have everyone buzzing for Weeks!

With one of America’s most cherished holidays around the corner, you’re bound to need at least a couple of fun July 4th party ideas! Lucky for you, we’ve gone through the trouble of creating a July 4th party checklist filled with cool initiatives to engage employees at work.

The office Fourth of July party is not reserved for offices with the budget to rent out an entire football stadium, stock an open bar and fly in a chef from France. Companies with small budgets can still host a memorable Independence Day party that packs big fun.

So without further ado, let’s partaaaaaay!

Shake up your July 4th Office Party with these awesome ideas!

If you’re looking for fun initiatives to make your workplace an environment where people are happy, the best way, to begin with, is decoration, food, and games. Lavish employee perks and benefits may have become the norm in many corporations – but these are the real non-cash motivators that inject more fun into each day of work.


First things first: You’re going to need an American flag. Remember, the union (stars) goes to the observer’s left.

Most Festive Workstation Contest: Friendly competition between employees can foster teamwork and boost camaraderie. Plan a July 4th decorating contest to turn your everyday office setting into a more festive environment.


It is time for barbeques, pies, s’mores, – and beer. July 4th is a big beer holiday. Good food and booze is one of the best ways to let off steam. It is important to see that the office happy hour remains Happy and not turn into something serious or scandalous. You would be surprised to learn that people have gotten fired for offenses as plain as getting fired too drunk at an office party.

4th july office party ideas

Taste Test Game: Employees blindly sample an assortment of cookies & cupcakes. The person who correctly identifies most flavors wins.


Set up a patriotic-themed backdrop and provide props for the staff along with a selfie stick.
Prop ideas: Paper sparklers, Uncle Sam’s hat & white goatee beard, Lady Liberty crown, Patriotic shades, and lots and lots of flags.

 You can also spruce it up with some beer. After all, July 4th is one of the biggest beer holidays!


We have skipped the lame party games that no one really enjoys (except that one turtleneck-adorned coworker from the party planning committee). These games can actually be played at any other time of the year but you can put your spin to each and make them appropriate for the July 4th office party. For example, a Fourth of July trivia could be fun-filled with questions from the revolutionary era. You can choose to keep employees entertained at your Independence Day festivities with a 4th of July Scavenger Hunt.

Do you have an office game you’d like to add to this list? Let us know!

The post July 4th Office Party Ideas that’ll have everyone buzzing for Weeks! appeared first on The HR Digest.

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