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Job Interview Red Flags Employers Must Take Serious

Job candidates who are not able to perform absolutely well in an interview are not necessarily the wrong candidates. This is because a few factors can deny your best candidate the ability to impress in an interview, that’s why a second interview is often used by most companies. However, there are interview red flags hiring managers must consider as clear signs to withdraw candidates from participating further in a recruitment process. Save yourself the stress of interviewing the wrong candidate if you notice any of the following red flags in an interview.

Badmouth former employer

You can be sure that candidates who badmouth former employer and coworkers during an interview can equally do the same while working for you. This is one of the top interview red flags strongly suggesting that the candidate lack the behavioral traits to work with a team and may have problems following instructions. Such candidates would also have no respect for their colleagues and lack qualities to last long in your office.

Poor attention

This interview red flag could be noticed by the candidates’ level of attention during the interview. Little distractions at the interview will win their attention, they will lack the eyeball contact and their general body language will fail to comply with interview etiquettes. Attitudes, like being bored with your questions and checking their phones or looking at the clock are all red flags and strongly suggest that they are not a good fit for the job.

interview red flags

Fumbling the basics

When candidates arrive late at work, it could either mean they are not taking the interview serious or they lack the ability to plan. While this could also mean otherwise, employees who fail to dress appropriately may not be a good fit for the job. Another red flag to look out for here is the candidates’ ability to use the fundamental words for the position such as not being able to use some basic words while answering IT job interview questions. These may suggest they lack the level of professionalism required for the job.

Did not research your company

Candidates who provide generic answers for company-specific interview questions probably did not research your company while preparing for the interview. This is one of the red flags in an interview that suggests the candidates are not organized because they didn’t prepare enough. It could also mean that the candidates are not considering the position important.

Cannot respond in details about resume or cover Letter claims

Consider it an interview red flag if a candidate cannot provide a detailed answer or examples when you asked them probing questions to solicit details about their performance based on their claims on a resume or cover letter. Such a candidate could be lying on their resume and not a good fit for the job. Your best shot could be dismissing the candidate to leverage you good attention on the other applicants.

Other interview red flags for employers could include no-follow up by the candidate after the interview and not asking questions during the interview. They could both suggest that the candidates have more priority elsewhere. While it’s not entirely easy to spot these red flags, looking out for them could save you the cost of hiring a bad candidate.

The post Job Interview Red Flags Employers Must Take Serious appeared first on The HR Digest.

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