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It’s Official: Working in Bed Impedes Productivity

There’s a level of sanity expected during our working hours. And most times we only succeed in declining our productivity when we fail to achieve that sanity level while at work. Several hypotheses have been proposed by solitary researchers suggesting the best atmosphere to achieve optimum productivity. Some of which include the use of some sort of office chairs, the establishment of a certain collaborative medium, self-motivation or taking pride in your workspace, etc. But striking a work-life balance remains invaluable.

People deserve to have a balanced work-life! That’s why anyone can argue with his or her last breath that a specific condition is the best without considering what the media is saying. Provided it complements the office cultural practices while also agreeing with their personal lifestyle.

Let’s get this thing straight. Without establishing some strict policies (it could be personal), our workforce would have a successful daily decline starting from the day we were recruited. The office environment is easier to handle because a feeling of the atmosphere would limit interferences with our personal lifestyle – it’s more about the remote workers.

It is ideal to work in your most favorite position as a remote worker. Yes! Because it all boils down to how much work you have completed within your working hours. But in response to the human subconscious behavior, working in bed has a lot of proof as a position to impede your productivity. Here are two reasons why.

Problem with the relaxation and your brain

Ultimately, your bed is a place to get some rest or sleep when you are tired or need some sort of break. And a working position is expected to be set aside from the bed. Most number of sleep we have had in our lifetime took place in bed, and our mind has completely configured an impression that being in bed means getting some rest. Hence, most activities we would complete in bed would be supported by a wind off notion set by our brains – discharging duties at a partially active state of mind.

While we are able to overcome the inducement to sleep off in bed at work, your consciousness begins to develop a different culture for your body each time you are in bed. That means a supposed dominance of sleeping condition would start to miss out even when you really mean to get some sleep. Eventually, not getting enough sleep at the appropriate time would deter your productivity.

 Feeling of unbalanced lifestyle

When you give yourself too much relaxation during your work hours by working in bed, you begin to lose the value of relaxing in bed. With that registered on your mind, it becomes difficult to separate work and your personal life. This makes you see no difference between your work and your personal life. Individuals having this syndrome would begin to seek for a place that’s home even when they are at home. And the loss of balance declines productivity either by thoughts about being over utilized or development of apathy for the job functions.

As a remote worker, keeping your devices far away from the bed, and avoiding periodic bed relaxations during working hours are effective while avoiding working in bed as a means to improve or maintain productivity.

The post It’s Official: Working in Bed Impedes Productivity appeared first on The HR Digest.

Source: New feed