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Internship interview questions you’re likely to be asked

Have an interview for the internship of your dreams? Its time you prepare and are aware of the potential questions to be asked in an internship interview.

An employer always expects an intern to be a productive and creative member of the team. As an intern, you would be engaged in projects and tasks. You will also get an excellent learning environment where you would learn the nuances of the field and the profession. In an interview for the internship, the employer would mostly ask the necessary questions to know more about the candidate, the experience, and how the candidate handles different work situations. Some of the questions and internship interview tips include the following:

Why are you interested in this Internship/ Company/ Industry?

This question is asked to evaluate the expectations of the candidate and career goals and see whether they align with the company.

What Skills or Experiences do you hope to Gain?

This internship interview question is asked to evaluate the skills and knowledge base of the candidate. The employer looks forward to knowing the experience, passions as well as values of the candidate.

What’s the Best Team you’ve been a Part of, and what is your Ideal Team?

A team can be of any size and shape. The interviewer wishes to know the size and activities of the team and the role the candidate played in it. The interviewer would evaluate the way the candidate works with others so that they can assign you to a proper team in the company.

Tell us a Situation where you took Initiative or a Leadership Role

This internship question for the interview lets the employer know if the candidate is a person with a drive and what motivates the person.

Tell us an Assignment or Project you were a Part of

The interviewer, through this question, wants to know how the candidate does a task. The question is not about the result, and it is about the methods and techniques applied to complete the assignment. The interviewer would want to understand the process of how the candidate tackles tasks.

What’s one Challenge you’ve faced, and how did you Overcome it?

The question lets the interviewer know if the candidate is adaptable and how they deal with challenges, mistakes, and failures on the work. This question would make the interviewer know about the attributes of the candidate.

Tell us a Time you had to learn something completely new

The internship interview question is an important one and lets the interviewer understand whether the candidate is a learner and is open to learning and knowing new things on the job. A closed-minded candidate is hard to work with; they are not open to learning new things and techniques of the work, which hinders progress in the job. An open-minded eager to learn candidate is a favorite of every employer. Employers also look forward to someone willing to develop a new skill or accept a new assignment for the good of the team.

Can you tell us a Project or Accomplishment you’re Proud of, and Why?

This question is to know about the accomplishments of the candidate. It gives the candidate to showcase the achievements of the person and laurels attained in previous work and studies.

Do you have any Questions for us?

This internship question for interview is asked at the end. The interviewer wants to analyze the participation of the candidate in the conversation. It also gives the chance to know and enquire about the company they have applied to. It also provides an opportunity for employer to see if the candidate has researched before coming for the interview.

The post Internship interview questions you’re likely to be asked appeared first on The HR Digest.

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