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Improve your resume to make a good first impression

Right from the time, our parents try to embed good qualities in us; we are told that the first impression always matters. And a job interview is one of the most important events in our professional lives. This is why we pay utmost attention to the kind of the first impression we make on our interviewer as well as the company staff in general. Just like we take care of our physical appearance while appearing for an interview, it is necessary to do so for your resume as well. This is because the first impression of your resume will decide whether you will be called for the interview or not. Follow these ways to improve your resume to make sure that it impresses the interviewer.

3 ways to improve your resume to get an interview call

1.     Format it right

As soon as your potential employer will get a copy of your resume, it must strike an impression. This means that the format must be such that the interviewer must want to go through it. Formatting does not mean decorating it. This is a professional document hence it must follow a kind of decorum. Make sure your matter is aligned well and in a clear manner. Pick a font which does not give much stress to the eyes while reading. Space the content well and in a uniform manner. The format of your resume will reflect how responsible you are as an individual. Try to give the idea that you want perfection in everything, even in your resume.

Improve your resume

Follow these ways to improve your resume to make sure that it impresses the interviewer.

2.     Highlight your strengths

It is important to note that you aren’t the only one who is applying for the given job position. This means that the interviewer doesn’t have time to spare to study each resume closely. This is why you have to make sure that your resume catches his attention. In order to do so, highlight your strengths on the resume. This will help the interviewer read only what he has to and will also focus more on your resume.

3.     Don’t forget to proofread

There are times when we are so busy paying attention to the content that we often miss out on small errors. These errors may seem small but they have the ability to adversely affect your impression. This is why make sure that you check not only the grammar but also the punctuations on the paper. Careless mistakes are the sign of an irresponsible individual. You obviously don’t want to give that impression to your potential employer.

The post Improve your resume to make a good first impression appeared first on The HR Digest.

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