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November 14, 2022
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November 14, 2022

How to Recognize and Manage Emotions at the Work

Have you heard the saying, “Don’t let your emotions get the best of you” before? Well, if you understand what it means, you’ll agree that it’s vital and recognize and manage your emotions at work. We are often so carried away by our feelings that we make decisions based on them without thinking rationally.

This is especially true for the modern workplace, where we tend to easily reiterate how we feel, either by causing a commotion or using hurtful words (even when we don’t mean to). So how can we prevent all of these from happening even after we have been advised to always show our emotions?

The best thing to do is learn strategic steps to prevent the creation of a hostile work environment and improve emotional intelligence in the workplace. We’ll provide a compiled list of ways to manage emotions in the workplace.

Why do we need to manage our emotions at the workplace?

We are often advised to speak up when we are hurt or to get back at others when they hurt us. While this can sound reasonable to some, it doesn’t always feel good in the end. Learning how to manage emotions at work can further prevent the feeling of guilt and help you to maintain healthy relationships with your loved ones.

The workplace is no different, though. You’ll get to meet different types of people and learn about the different ways they prefer to do life. The truth is, you’ll come across an issue some time in your career. It might turn out serious or maybe not, but what matters is how you go about protecting your psychological safety at work. Doing so can help prevent a hostile work environment for both yourself and your colleagues.

How to Recognize and Manage Emotions at the Work

How to Manage Your Emotions at the Workplace

Keeping your workplace emotions intact is not an easy thing to do. However, it makes a very good difference compared to what a hostile work environment could bring. So what are some ways in which psychological safety at work can be achieved? They include:

1)   Use emotional intelligence in the workplace.

The first tip for managing your emotions is to have a skill that can help you better understand yourself. Emotional intelligence in the workplace is a great start for understanding how you respond to certain things. It can help you understand how others do the same. With this understanding, you can manage your emotions and also avoid certain situations.

2)   Excuse yourself.

Many people won’t agree with this tip because they might believe they need to address the situation immediately. However, you are prone to say or do things you don’t wish to when you are upset. And that’s why we encourage you to leave the situation and come back to it when you are calmer. This will prevent you from saying hurtful things or getting into a fight with your colleagues.

3)   Breathe in, breathe out.

Techniques like this can help you manage your emotions at the workplace. A simple 10 seconds of doing this can make a positive difference. Some experts also advise that you take a walk or exercise to calm your nerves so you don’t react badly. You can also find a safe space where you always feel comfortable and relax your mind before doing anything else.

4)   Talk about it.

If you’ve taken out time to practice the steps mentioned above, you might be pretty ready to discuss the initial issue (if need be). Before you do, treat your mind to an understanding that problems occur and you might not be in the right. Give your coworker the space to be comfortable talking as well. Listen, respect their point of view, and then discuss yours. You’ll need to come to a common ground detailing how the situation can be avoided in the near future. However, ensure that you free up your mind and let go of any grudges in the process.

You should learn to manage your emotions at the workplace, as this can help to prevent office outbursts that could result in serious penalties.

The post How to Recognize and Manage Emotions at the Work appeared first on The HR Digest.

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