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How to motivate Gen Z at work?

Gen Z includes the new generation of people who were born between the years 1995 and 2015. They are very much different from the millennial that represented an earlier generation. The basis of differentiation is due to the factors that this new generation has been brought up when the world observed economic depression that started from the year 2008. This new generation observed their parents strive hard to support family expenditures, lose their jobs and look in for new ones, etc.  Also, this generation observed the development of new-age technology in the form of smartphones and even touch screen laptops that have brought revolution in the virtual world that has become a necessity in the present-day world. Therefore it is require understanding Gen Z carefully so that they can be motivated effectively at work.

Gen Z at work

young businesswoman working and sitting with laptop in modern office – interaction, creativity, resourceful

Gen Z can be motivated by offering the latest technology at work

Gen Z includes the people who are brought up when smartphones came into being, the latest technology in computers and laptops arrived and regular software updates came every single day. Therefore the Gen Z can be motivated to work when they are offered with the latest technology at work so that they can use them for accomplishing long term target goals and objectives for the organization. The employer may be new to these new technologies but Gen Z is brought up in this technological advancement age and therefore there is no need to consider the efficiency of Gen Z to learn and apply them.

Gen Z can be motivated by giving them surety of work

Gen Z can be motivated by giving them surety of work as they don’t trust companies. They have observed the economic condition of a global meltdown when their parents or relatives have lost their jobs and struggled hard to keep up with their financial expenditures. Therefore the companies that offer surety to their employees for long term relations and has a background of nourishing human resource from the long-time period can attract Gen Z even when the pay scale is a little lesser than competitors. This way the Gen Z employees can be motivated by getting surety of work so that they could relate themselves with their organization.

Gen Z can be motivated by offering them savings schemes and benefits than paid holidays

Gen Z can be motivated by offering them savings schemes and benefits. This generation prefers to save money and unlike the millennials do not earn during weekdays and spend all on weekends. Therefore offering them paid holidays won’t motivate them. This generation intends to save money for the rainy day and will, therefore, prefer savings schemes and benefits that help them save money in the long run. Thus the Gen Z employees will feel more motivated when money-saving opportunities are offered to them.

Gen Z can be motivated they are offered an ideal working environment

Gen Z can be motivated when a safe and healthy working environment is offered to them. This generation has observed due care of their parents and government agencies in offering a safe and healthy work environment during schooling and growing activities. Safe drinking water, health checkups and precautions from infectious diseases were among the agenda of the government agencies that supported the well being of Gen Z. Such a healthy and safe working environment is expected in offices as well. Therefore to motivate Gen Z employees, it would be required to offer him/her a similar kind of care for their health and safety. This will ensure that all the actions are already taken to take care of their well being and therefore they can move ahead in making efforts towards accomplishing long term target goals for their organization.

The post How to motivate Gen Z at work? appeared first on The HR Digest.

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