Four Ways to Improve the Candidate Experience
April 11, 2018
Heavy Equipment Operator – Dow Electric Inc – Potsdam, NY
April 11, 2018

How to Discover Your Personal Productivity Style?

It’s important to take a personality and productivity tests. It’s the only tool to perform self-assessments to ascertain the group you belong to and how you can contribute effectively in your team. Discovering your personal productivity style is the key aspect of making yourself more valuable to your team. Working with a diverse group of people daily, each becomes exposed to individuals with varied preferences for managing projects, time and tasks.

Our personality test is based on a book, “Work Simply” by Carson Tate. In the assessment tool, four (4) personality productivity styles were identified by Carson.

1. The “Prioritizer”

People that gravitate to analytical, critical, realistic and fact-based thinking are priortizers. They are more concerned about increasing productivity level by measuring how long it would take to complete certain tasks based on the time they have. The priotizers are not into chit-chat and rarely share too much personal information. Their emails are brief and straight to the point. Priotizers contribute to problem-solving through logical and critical analysis, decisiveness, goal orientation, consistency and data analysis.

2. The “Planner”

The planner is the team members that immerse themselves in project details and project-planning using the calendar and other tools. They are always involved in organized, planned, detailed and sequential thinking. Planners are not a party to time-wasting at meetings with no action plans and no focus; thrive on schedules and actions. They are willing to risk missing out on creative endeavors and opportunities. Emails from planners are always detailed and clearly stated with bullet points. Planners are contributive in practicality and action orientation, they are instrumental in achieving effective data/project plans, and play a significant role in perfect planning by finding overlook flaws.

3. The “Visualizer”

If you are always focusing on the bigger picture and broad concepts, then you’re likely a visualizer. They are prefer synthesized, integrated, holistic and intuitive thinking, they perform very well under pressure and bored easily when there are fewer projects to work on. Visualizers are not interested in looking into details most time, they rely on possibilities. They are individuals with an excess passion for breakthrough ideas, hence, can lead such projects. Their emails are mostly long as they are filled with ideas and concepts. Visualizers are very good in problem-solving, innovation; integration of new concepts for change, and recognizing new opportunities.

4. The “Arranger”

Arrangers are the set of workers that prefer expressive, emotional and supportive thinking. They perform better at work collaborating with their colleagues to get work done. They are not fans of individuals that rely too much on data and are fond of chatting online. They enjoy love stories, expressing concern, making eye contacts and would send emails copying a lot of people. Arrangers can contribute effectively in marketing ideas, proper evaluation of underlying emotions, and facilitating team interaction.

Which one are you?

You may find yourself more in one of the profiles listed above. It may also be difficult to figure out exactly where you belong. Yes! Like seeing a fraction of you in each profile, can’t you find a match yet?

Well, Tate admits that everyone is unique. Hence, you can exhibit more than one profile firmly. These profiles should serve as “guideposts” to understanding your unique blend of skills, said Tate. “You shouldn’t worry if you find yourself spanning two or more styles.”

The post How to Discover Your Personal Productivity Style? appeared first on The HR Digest.

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