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How to Design a Successful Employee Induction Program

Have you ever tried to think of why a new employee would suddenly develop mixed feeling over a dream job in just a few weeks? Poor or unimpressive “employee induction” process could be the cause.

The employee induction process is a means by which “new employees learn and adapt to the norms and expectations of the organization to quickly reach maximum productivity,” according to SHRM. The process is often called “on-boarding.” During onboarding, programs are designed by the company to get the new employees acquainted with the company’s values and roles. The process also serves as a foundation for great employee experience. However, if this process goes wrong or uninspiring, it can give an employee a hard time settling in and hence hinder productivity.

To ensure your employee induction program is successful, check out the tips below:  successful employee induction program

i. Be mindful of the new employees requirements

To be fully prepared for your new employees on their first day at work, ensure you create an induction checklist. Consider including everything a first timer at work will need in your list. Take time to set-up the computer, the email, stationery and other relevant needs for work.  To make your induction program even more effective, your checklist should have plans for the pre-start day, the start day, the first week, first month, and continuity.

ii. Do more than just ‘introduce’

Create an impressive employee induction program by going beyond the everyday induction where everything centers on the basic introduction. Do a “double” with your induction program; add employee training and task delegation. It will ensure that your new recruits are not stranded on their duties and help them to become productive almost immediately.

Hence, while planning for an amazing welcome for your fresher, remember to include a simple job description for each of them. Provide them with their respective job briefing and targets, duties and the skills required for productivity on the first day.

iii. Familiarize them with company goals

Prior to their recruitment, the new employees had a little knowledge about the company from the information they’ve gathered for the interview. However, it’s important to give them better and detailed information about the company. From the go, help them to understand the goals and mission of the company. Communicate with clear terms on how they are expected to fit into the overall picture of the company. As part of the Induction process steps, you can test their understanding of what the company represents.

iv. Encourage team building

Starting a new job is a big change in every one’s life. Naturally, your new recruit will be nervous. One of the aims of employee induction is to get them relaxed and settled in the company. The success of every on-boarding process is in having the new recruits feel welcome, hit the ground running and to increase productivity. According to research, the social connection between workers from the first day can boost their morale. So, during the employee induction program, activities that make room for relationship building among employees such as a mentorship program or buddy system should be encouraged.

The post How to Design a Successful Employee Induction Program appeared first on The HR Digest.

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