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How to Delegate Tasks to Your Team

Delegation is a way of managing workload to ensure efficient productivity. It is a great tool for encouraging your team members for personal development and to empower them. As one of the tools to reduce stress at work, proper delegation plays a very crucial role in helping employees to know how much they are valued in your team, reduce burnout while being an obligatory quality of a team leader. Despite the numerous benefits of task delegation, some managers do not delegate tasks. In most cases, they regard delegating as passing a responsibility to someone else, nervous to let the task go to another desk or think they can always do it better than anyone else, or they don’t know how to delegate effectively.

Be it that you’re an entrepreneur, a team leader or just overseeing a unit at work, the importance of delegation cannot be overemphasized. You can always learn how to delegate tasks to your team or improve over time, regardless of your knowledge before now. However, there are strategies which must be followed to practically delegate tasks effectively.

Learn to let go and establish a solid priority

Most new bosses find it difficult to let others handle their work, especially those that require extreme skills. Sometimes, they are afraid to let their subordinates acquire the necessary skills to override them and most times, they are deeply dedicated to handling every task by themselves. It is normal, but you can’t remain like this and delegate effectively.

Learn to delegate from the smallest task at first, and gradually increase the volume with time to maintain the work quality that you desire. You should set a firm priority according to the various tasks, considering those you can afford to let go first. Learn to trust your coworkers and try to know them better as you gradually inch closer to releasing some of your tasks.

Consider your workers’ ability and always include instructions

Pushing employees beyond their limits is a good resource management strategy. But here, you must assign tasks according to the employee’s line of skills. Also, consider assigning similar tasks to a particular group of employees to help them develop a good aptitude for the task. While it’s good to trust your team’s initiatives for every job, consider providing your preferences on how tasks should be completed. Someone handling your task should know its deadline and requirements.

Always be open to teach new skills and always verify

The job you are willing to delegate may be completely new to every member of your team. Be open to teach them new skills for the task as you never know how much of it you would have in the nearest future. By teaching them, you’ll have an improved team that can handle more. Also, always verify that the ongoing projects or assignments are running accordingly. This offers you the opportunity to ask for improvement or redirect them early enough.

Always give feedback

Feedback is the most important of all strategies listed here. It’s the only medium of evaluation and course for improvement in delegation process. Appreciate your worker if the team member has performed a delegation excellently. This encourages and highlights how important the member is on your team while increasing motivation to perform better. Similarly, it’s important to constructively inform your teams if they didn’t perform well.

The post How to Delegate Tasks to Your Team appeared first on The HR Digest.

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