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How Do I Justify Job Hopping To Myself?

Dear Jane,

I am one of the few young faces around here, and one of the few who comes to work at 7 a.m. and leaves after 10 p.m. I started out right after college and managed to carve a position for myself, and I’ve worked with two employers in the past three years before landing this job.

My current position is pretty darn good. Sure, there are ups and downs, but overall I love my team and the work I am doing. The perks are pretty good, too. I am looking for at least a 30K increase in 2019 to fulfill some of my personal life goals. Unfortunately, it’s only been a year at my current position and there’s no way I’m getting a salary increment unless I jump ship.

I feel it’s my choice to move as frequently as I want and that the idea of switching jobs every year or two is no longer a career suicide. What do you think? Do employers still view job hopping as a bad thing?

questions to ask before you accept the job offer the team

If you’re happy at your current job and have sufficient career growth, there’s no need to look for a new job. One must work where their loyalty or seniority is most likely to be rewarded. I would advise you to approach your current employer asking for a pay raise. You’ll need to convince your employer that your work adds value to the company. If your HR Rep tells you they cannot provide a pay raise currently, ask what you need to do to make yourself eligible for one. Quitting if you don’t receive a pay raise is, in most cases, unprofessional. In your case, you’re looking for a salary bump to go beyond the horizon rather than squelch your passion. There’s nothing wrong in taking a career advancing opportunity that could also accelerate your financial goals.

Now let’s bust a few myths linked to job hopping.

Millennials receive a lot of flak for chasing money when they job hop. So, let’s look at facts. Shall we?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job hopping was just as much prevalent among the Baby Boomers. Sounds a bit untrue, doesn’t it?

In 2019, job hopping is tied to a diverse experience and a large network. So don’t stop looking until you find the right opportunity that’ll help you fulfil your life goals. And when you find one, don’t leave it for some other crappy job.

The post How Do I Justify Job Hopping To Myself? appeared first on The HR Digest.

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