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How Can HR Help an Underperforming Employee?

Employee performance has a great impact on the company’s productivity. In other words, working out ways to deal with an underperforming employee indirectly increases the company’s growth. Underperformance can also have a devastating effect on the team depending on how employees carry out their responsibilities. Consider learning about the best way to handle underperformance.

How Can HR Help an Underperforming Employee?

To keep profits high and increase productivity, here are some things to have in mind.

What Underperforming At Work Means

Underperformance occurs when an employee carries out their job duties below what is expected. This can immediately deteriorate productivity and easily affect other employees. However, underperforming at work isn’t limited to delivering low-quality work.

Sometimes the indications may vary but there are some signs to help you identify underperformance:

  • Misconduct or failure to adhere to companies policies
  • Showing up late
  • Unable to cooperate with the team
  • Negative and inappropriate behavior

What Are The Causes Of Underperformance?

Most employees do not intentionally underperform at work. There are many reasons which would decrease their performance you may not be aware of. A good manager should begin spotting these causes to help underperforming employees.

  • Under Skilled: A task can be challenging and stressful to deliver satisfactory results when an employee lacks the necessary skills to get the job done. Managing underperformance can start by determining if an employee’s skills match the task given.
  • Demanding Work-culture: Little flexibility, no breaks, or overworking employees would only leave employees burnt out and less motivated to work. This will in turn lead to underperformance.
  • Lack of Training And Growth Opportunities: Employees may get stuck at work or have a hard time getting the task done. When little training is put in place this could often reduce the quality of their work.
  • Unhealthy Work Environment: An environment where employees are given little opportunity to grow, feeling disrespected, and less valued will immediately decrease work performance.
  • Lack Of Resources: As important as it is for employees to tap into their creativity for effective results, inadequate resources can limit their performance. Making the job a struggle and leaving employees stressed.
  • Personal Issues: Companies may notice in the process to help underperforming employees that the cause is beyond work. Personal issues can play a role in their inability to focus on tasks.

How To Deal With An Underperforming Employee

There are some steps to address and deal with an underperforming employee:

  • Uncover The Problem: Usually, there is always a cause and sometimes a pattern. The first step is to identify the problem so you can create solutions targeting that particular problem.
  • Organize A Specific Meeting: Once you identify underperformance, you should conduct a specific meeting to address workplace performance. A one-one session for questions and surveys should follow immediately.
  • Manage Employee Expectations: Vague expectations of what the job entails result in employees delivering less. They may not understand exactly what is expected of them. Also, it’s important to discuss what employees’ expectations are from the company. In terms of long-term goals, career value and see if there is a mismatch.
  • Develop System Solution: Based on the cause of the problem, outline and create a systemic action plan. You should offer support, and set goals as well as consequences for defaulting them. Also, give room for employees to make recommendations and execute training programs.
  • Check-in On Their Progress: Follow up after every performance plan. You can schedule dates to meet up and discuss their success, regular check-ins help keep employees accountable. In addition, when managing underperformance ensure you try to reward employers for their progress.
  • Give Constructive Feedback: Offer insight into their progress and where they may be falling short. In most cases, to help an underperforming employee improve actionable feedback is important.
  • Provide Flexibility: Nowadays employees aim for work-life balance to lessen burnout. Support employees with breaks in between work hours and enable them to set off-work boundaries(if needed) to increase motivation to work.

When Underperformance Fails To Improve

Two things you could try at this stage:

  • Offer A New Position: Chances are, employees might be good at something different. Reassign them to new roles that match their skill set and check in for improvement.
  • Termination: It may just be time to let go after recognizing underperformance continues despite all odds.

Bottom Line

Working out ways to deal with an underperforming employee can be tedious especially if the causes differ. But keep in mind this could decrease company growth. You should carefully set up effective strategies for managing underperformance tailored to your company.

The post How Can HR Help an Underperforming Employee? appeared first on The HR Digest.

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