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December 25, 2018

Fun Yet Corporate Office Christmas Party Ideas

Your office Christmas party ideas are essential in boosting the employees’ morale and their sense of belonging as they wind off the year for a fresh one. Of course, employees are more excited to witness the annual office holiday party; it’s always coming with new party ideas and most times graced with awards or recognition.

Regardless of your budget, office Christmas party themes should be employee-focused and reflect a time to show appreciation in a grand style aside from all the fun. Having recognized how much fun you want this year’s Christmas party to be, The HR Digest is providing you with a list of office Christmas Party ideas that are fun-filled. Yes, Christmas party games such as Pictionary, Charades, and ornament guessing make any holiday bash an exciting one but trying out some new office Christmas party plans will be enormously rewarding.

Office Christmas party idea 1: Gallery showcase

Everyone likes good memories that are worth reflecting on. Winding off the year by showcasing all the hard work that has been invested in your company will make a great deal. This could be staged in diverse forms and will depend on the nature of the work done. Architects or designers could reflect on their most amazing portfolio and share their very best ideas at an exclusive Christmas party with clients. Employees involved in the projects listed can leverage this opportunity to share their best moment during the project.

Office Christmas party idea 2: Hire a comedian to entertain employees

Alternatively, you can go for a magician to entertain your Christmas party guests. Having a blast and laughing so hard are the best moments at office Christmas parties. It opens new doors for a fresh level of sociability and allows every guest to recognize how much the office has influenced their year. The traditional food and drinks go down well while everyone laughs and gasps in astonishment.

Office Christmas party idea 3: View a ridiculous movie

The size of your team will depend on where you could host the office Christmas party that would feature a movie. The idea is to bring everyone together in a large conference room where you can stream a ridiculous movie such as “Office Christmas Party,” from Netflix or Amazon Prime. If your team is really large, you may have to contact your local movie theater to rent one of their movie rooms for a few hours. This idea could serve as an extra event for the Christmas party if the movie would take place somewhere else that’s not in the office where you can have other events. Provide your guests with snacks and popcorn as they view the Christmas party movie. It could also feature a few other minor events to improve the fun. Other movies for Christmas include “Home Alone,” “Scrooged,” “A Christmas Story,” and “Elf.”

Office Christmas party idea 3: Take the team out for a competitive sport

Baseball or Gymnastics are ideal holiday party sports aside from TopGolf which doesn’t require anyone to be good. The idea is to just score some points from taking a swing. While this shouldn’t be focused on who is the best, you will need to split your team into groups for the competition. The best part of this party idea is for the employees to dress in Christmas costumes.

Office Christmas party ideas should be combined to maximize the fun as long as they fit into the projected timeframe for the event and blend with the corporate culture. Organizing your Christmas party ideas is also an important prerequisite for a successful Christmas party.

The post Fun Yet Corporate Office Christmas Party Ideas appeared first on The HR Digest.

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