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Can You Get Successful And Still Have A Life? Younger People Are Trying To Find Out

Can you have a successful career and still have a life? In the age of the 24-hour news cycle, the idea of having a “normal” life has become an elusive concept. It seems like every hour of the day, our lives are getting more and more consumed. It’s not unusual for us to feel this way about success. 

But did you know that there are people out there who are able to balance their career with their life outside the office? These people do it because they want to, not because they have to. So, you need to define what a successful and balanced life means to you before anything else. 

So how can you do it? By understanding that success doesn’t mean sacrificing everything else in life, it means finding the balance and creating space for yourself and those you care about. As earlier stated, success means different things to different people, but it’s very common to want a fulfilled life. This article discusses success and how to create a life and still be successful. 

What is a successful career? 

A successful career can be defined in different ways and can mean different things too. Everyone has their own different definition of success, and they point their lives in those directions. For some, it could mean attaining financial freedom. For others, it could mean making an impact on the world. While for some others, it could mean finding a balance between the first two. Young workers want to know how they can achieve that today. 

GenZ’s way of working has changed over the past few years after the pandemic. With all of the things that are expected of them, they have to juggle so much more than when they were just in school. They have to take care of themselves and their families while taking on new responsibilities at work. If they want to keep up with the pace of life, and not burn out, what is the secret?

Well, the answer is simple: balance. You need to make sure that you don’t overcommit yourself by doing too much at once, but you also shouldn’t neglect yourself, your health, and those that matter to your life outside the office. The key is finding the right balance between work and personal life so that you can keep up with everything else going on around you without burning out completely. 

Life outside the office

How to Create a Life and Still Be Successful

For many people, building a successful career could mean giving up their life outside the office and giving their all to their jobs. But this shouldn’t be the case and isn’t healthy at all. So how do you balance all of these? Here are some tips to try out: 

Set Up A Plan 

The first thing to do when it comes to finding a balance between success and life is to organize a plan. Having a plan in place helps you focus on the right things and do away with all the other irrelevant stuff. Your plan should detail all that you wish to achieve and how you intend to do that. The problem of burnout arises from a lack of planning. We start a job with no plans, and in between, we are burned out. Your plan should highlight what your dreams and your boundaries are. You’ll need to reevaluate these plans from time to time because change is inevitable. Discover what you have achieved and what might need to be crossed off the list. 

Time Management 

One of the answers is time management. You need to manage your time efficiently. This means that you have to focus on the most important things in your life and not worry about the rest of them. You need to make sure that you are giving enough time for each task and also make sure that you are getting enough sleep every day so that you can stay active during the workday. GenZ’s way of working largely calls for this, which can only be achieved when time management is prioritized. 

Work, Play, Rest, Repeat

On the road to work-life balance lies the choice of people. You can either choose to find a healthy balance or decide to remain stuck in one of these areas. Your life and work both matter. You need to work to take care of your daily needs, and you need your life to remain sane. The only reasonable measure is to find a healthy balance between the two and decide not to compromise. You’ll need to learn to completely disconnect from work when you get home and also use your time wisely while in the office. 

Progress Over Perfection

Another step is to understand that you are on a progressive road to success and not to perfection. Oftentimes, we single-handedly make our lives difficult. Success can’t be achieved immediately and sometimes it takes failing to reach that height. Younger workers should understand that they are making progress and are on the right track. Do not be deceived into working tirelessly at your job and neglecting all other areas of your life just to become “perfect.”

Think Big, Work Hard

It’s okay to dream big because there’s so much out there to experience, especially at a young age. Allow the big and creative ideas to flow out of you, and do not be afraid to write them down. After that, ensure that you start taking action to see it all happen. You need to work hard to attain success because it doesn’t happen overnight. Stay resilient and focus on what really matters to you. Always remain positive and try to fight off negative thoughts that affect your mental capability. 

Don’t Compare Yourself

Another step on how to create a life and still be successful is to avoid comparison. “Comparison is the thief of joy,” they say, and this is very true. Some people have crossed major milestones before, but because they are used to comparing themselves, they are unable to live a good life. There’s no room to celebrate their wins because they feel they are in competition with others. Always take time to reward yourself for every small and big milestone you achieve, as this improves your general well-being. 

Invest in Good Relationships

The life outside the office is just as important as the one within it. This means that maintaining your life’s relationships is very important. Try to surround yourself with good people and be a good person to them as well. The people around you should be those who can encourage, motivate, and correct you at all times. These relationships help improve your well-being at work and outside of it. 


No matter what your definition of a successful career might be, you still stand a chance of seeing your dreams come true, whether right now or in years to come. Have a positive attitude and balance all the areas of your life so you can reach your full potential. 

The post Can You Get Successful And Still Have A Life? Younger People Are Trying To Find Out appeared first on The HR Digest.

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