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May 15, 2017
EHS Engineer – Skanska – Queens, NY
May 15, 2017

7 Tips to Balance Part Time Job with your College Life

You surely deserve a pat on the back for extending out of your academic college life and taking up a part time job. Whether you are working to be financially independent or because you want to and it excites you, surely you will have by your side an experience that will keep you ahead of your time and age. Alongside your course load, you are taking your first steps in the real-world with the part time job. Maintaining a gentle balance between both is the most significant indicator of your progress. Let us get down to some specifics that should always be on your mind in order to make the best of both worlds.


Whatever you do, make it to the best

Now, as you are working, be sure to explore your work completely. You should try to fetch details about every aspect of your work. Don’t do just for the sake of doing it. Activate your curiosity spot and learn more things. Obviously, this would not come without your cent percent attempt. So, take challenges, know your capabilities, polish your skills and make yourself ready to rock the future work. Remember, your efforts now will be credited and you would surely get the benefit someday. And, off course, you are spending time on something, so try to make the best out of it.

Seek for your interest

The fact that you are out for an exposure in a field of your interest is pretty commendable. But always choose the kind of work that interests you and you will never look back at life with regret. Enjoying what you do is very important for your progress as well as for the organization. Also, taking a part time job in the field that you are passionate about will keep you out of an extreme mental strain. Hence, you can maintain a sound balance with your studies.

Pre-plan your schedule

Let the sky be gray and blue enough to look for an umbrella – don’t go with this attitude. If you are a student, there may be times when you may have a huge study load, during exams for instance. It may also happen that at the same time you have to meet a monthly deadline at the workplace. So, the better thing to do is to pre-plan things so that you can smoothly get over the time of busy curriculum.

Talk to your higher-ups

There may arrive a time when you have a heavy load at workplace as well as at college/high-school. Sometimes, you feel that you will not be able to meet a particular deadline or you have made some extra commitments getting excited and thinking that you would complete it. But if things don’t go as per the plan, do not hesitate to talk to the concerned higher-ups. They would surely help you out. Convince them that it is not every day that things would go wrong. Better communicate rather than staying quite and spoil both the college work and the office work.

Humans need to play

Remember that you are no superhero and need time to chill and relax. Also, as you are a student you have a most loud social life at this age. Don’t comprise on that and spare some time to hang out with your friends and watch your favourite movies. Pre-plan things and make a good space in it for such play.

Mind the work to the workplace

To maintain a sound balance, you need to complete the work at your workplace itself. Wasting time over there and taking a bucket full of work at home may disturb your routine life.

Fetch the credit

Jump over the opportunities that would look great in your job application. Also, work well to get praised. Getting acclamation always motivates. You may feel that it is worth spreading yourself thin and doing the part time work.

The post 7 Tips to Balance Part Time Job with your College Life appeared first on The HR Digest.

Source: New feed