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6 Virtual Team Building Activities

Virtual team building is a way of collaborating remote teams. Virtual team-building activities help the team sustain deeper bonds by creating a collaborative environment similar to an office setting.

Work from home always doesn’t benefit! There are instances where employees feel drained out working from home because of the additional home pressures and chores or due to constant disturbances at home. This can lead to an emotional distance situation, and subsequently, to isolation. This is why it is essential to create a comfortable team environment, even in a remote work setting. And only virtual team building activities can do that!

Virtual-Team-Building-ActivitiesVirtual team building activities include strategies, games, and events which enhance human interaction at virtual work. These activities help the team connect and make them feel comfortable at work scenario.

Virtual Team Building Games and Activities

The primary hurdle in team building when working from remote is that most remote teams may be located across different time zones! As such, many virtual team-building activities can be performed by recording the activities before introducing them to the workspace.

Introducing the Home 

This virtual team building activity includes team members to virtually open their homes to one another. This is an excellent way to make everyone comfortable and know the remote team members and their personalities. It also allows team members to know each other on a more personal basis. This fun activity is best suited for smaller work teams.

Personal Facts Guessing Game

This game is an excellent way to learn the team members’ interests outside work. Steps to play the game:

  • In the first step, the supervisor/ manager asks each team member to share personal facts with the team. These facts would then be compiled on a proper document shared with each individual in the group. There would be an empty column next to each personal point where each employee will have to guess which team member does the fact belong to!
  • Once all the guesses are completed and submitted, an answer key will be provided so that team members can evaluate how well they guessed about each other.

This game is a hilarious way of developing strong team camaraderie. Once all the guesses have been submitted, an answer key will be provided so that team members can see how well they guessed.

Picture Sharing

This is an icebreaker activity that allows new team members to bond with a team. In this activity, each team member will have to share one personal photo, which is unrelated to work. This photo may be anything and contain pets, hobbies, gadgets, or family members. Then the team member can be asked to explain about like when and how it was taken and why they chose it.

Bucket List

A bucket list is a list of things that a person wants to do or experience within their lifetime. A bucket list says a lot about a person. The manager can designate one person each week to share their bucket list. The other team members listening can spend some time discussing the bucket list, like comparing the similarities and sharing notes.

Show and Tell

This is a traditional fun game played since times. It is one of the most fun virtual team building activities! Steps to play:

  • Each team member gets one minute to show and talk about something they own, like their favorite possession or a memorable treasure or even a passion project.
  • After that, the team discusses each other’s possessions.

This gives the team better insight into the individual and improves team bonding.

A Look into the Future

The manager can share an e-newspaper or a magazine with the team, and ask the members to mark ten headlines which would be related to the company in the future. This activity helps the members to understand each other goals and expectations from the organization.

Several ways will help remote employees understand and know each other and develop more reliable connections. Whether it’s through playing virtual games or indulging in fun activities, virtual team building activities will help team members to move away from their jobs and feel more comfortable collaborating with an organization.

The post 6 Virtual Team Building Activities appeared first on The HR Digest.

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