Office Administrator – CARGOTRANS – Valley Stream, NY
January 26, 2018
Admininstrative Assistant – Newark NY – Full Time – Fresenius Medical Care – Newark, NY
January 27, 2018

5 Ways To Reduce Stress At Work

Stress at work is inevitable, regardless of your position and place of work. Whether you work from an office environment, home or freelance, stress is a common factor. Knowing the different ways to reduce stress is important as you plan to circumvent problems associated with stress at work. Problems such as burnout, deterioration of work relationships, low work quality, health challenge, decreased productivity, and a lot more. The following ways to reduce stress are invaluable and applies to both occasional and persistent work stress.

1) Always communicate your position

The reason why we have supervisors at work is to report our challenges and stress is one of them. Before responsibilities are assigned to you, routine models should purpose how long it would take to complete the project, by chance you run behind schedule, it’s best to communicate your position to your supervisor for intervention; perhaps better ideas on how to complete the project easily or provision for a support. As a supervisor, do not allow functions to overwhelm your capacity. Assign those that can be handled by fellow colleagues to reduce stress on you.

2) Be Organized

Organizing your daily tasks is the only way to ascertain the amount of work you have. Always prepare a ‘task list’ or ‘to-do list,’ it’s invaluable as you plan to reduce stress at work. It will help you to plan how much time each task would require so you don’t spend unnecessary time on a task to rush another. Break down big tasks into smaller ones and specify time frames. Task management will also be useful when taking up extra projects so you don’t accept more than you can finish within the acceptable deadlines.

3) Take breaks and exercise

This may sound like a waste of time but it’s not. You can’t put interminable pressure on yourself mentally, breaks are important to give your head some space to regain balance. Consider walking around a bit, stretching your body and discuss something different from work a bit. Smile and have a little fun if possible. This will help you to resume with a better force and renewed frame of mind.

If your office doesn’t support breaks to walk around, consider meeting your HR to include short breaks. You should also consider turning off all office gadgets like phones and laptops during weekends, this will offer you quality rest which will reduce stress from work.

4) Use recommended materials

Do not use the wrong software or materials not recommended for a task just because you find the approved materials uneasy to use. Consider undergoing training necessary for effective use of the appropriate materials. Note that the time frame allocated for your functions are estimated based on the recommended materials and assumed skill, anything different is liable to bring unnecessary stress at work.

5) Eat healthy foods

Feeding well on healthy foods is important to keep your wits active. Don’t skip meals because you want to work more. That will result to additional stress at work. Eat foods that will provide the number of calories estimated for your tasks to avoid health challenges due to an imbalance of calories or nutrition.

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