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5 ways to foster motivation in employees

When you have a workforce that eagerly anticipates the end of Friday and rushing out the office door and sighs morosely on Mondays before entering the office, then you have a problem at hand.

The key to running a good business is having motivated workers who push your product and services out there in the market for better returns.

What are the steps you need to take for employee motivation?

Make employees feel they are contributing to the business meaningfully.

A recent survey asked the question, “What motivates you at work?”

The answer was being meaningfully engaged in the job. It scored better than money or recognition both. The simplest way to make employees feel that they are contributing to the company’s efforts is to involve them in the company’s mission and goals. Have a meaningful discussion with the employees in creating simple goals that align with the company’s mission and how to achieve them.

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This will make them feel that they are contributing something meaningful to the process of building up the company.


Sharing of relevant information is compulsory for the employees to make good decisions. If a manager is not aware of what direction the company is considering to plug certain gaps, then the whole decision process gets derailed. There has to be a synergy of efforts for which clear communication and information sharing is essential.

Posting KPI results monthly will allow you to achieve this.

Clearly defined job roles

A clear job description makes things easier all around. It is not enough to state each role’s responsibilities, but the expected results and tasks should also be stated. For example, a customer service representative is supposed to attend incoming calls but the tasks and the result are to attend maximum calls in a fixed time period and to find resolutions. Only by specifying roles and expected results and accountability can you get what you want from each employee and get them engaged and motivated to get it done to the best of their ability.

Performance feedback

Regular feedbacks that go both ways is the ideal way to move things forward. The aim is to listen to what the employee has to say and give feedback in relation to the task performance. When things go wrong, the discussion would not be who was responsible, but why did it go wrong, and how to fix it and learn from it. When the whole team is involved in the process of improvement then there is ownership and accountability both. It is a great motivator too.

Delegate and trust

A good manager delegate tasks so that subordinates feel a sense of responsibility. When a task is well-executed make a point of rewarding the deed. The delegation fo work shows that you trust the team and individual to carry out the task. If you do not show faith in their ability then there is a confidence deficit, w which is a great demotivator.

To achieve this, give your employees some autonomy to make decisions. You must let them fail sometimes and not get angry about it.

Recognize good work

Recognition is an essential element of motivation. Studies have shown that recognition results in better engagement and results in business. In fact, they found that managers realized significantly better business results when they offered employees recognition in the form of constructive praise rather than monetary rewards.

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