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4 Strong Signs Your Job Interview Went Well

You probably thought your last job interview was the last because you provided amazing answers to the questions asked. You also presented your skills and experiences to the interviewers in a manner that matches the need of the company. However, weeks after the interview, you haven’t heard from the company yet. So, the question now is: what are the signs your job interview went well?

The truth is, beyond the smiles shared with the interviewers, uncertainty sets in at the moment you leave the interview room. Hence, as you prepare for an interview, it’s important you learn how to know if a job interview went well.

Rather than spending time worrying about the outcome of the interview, read through the following signs an interview went well.

1. Giving you detailed information on the job role

One of the strong signs your job interview went well is when the interviewer begins to give you detailed information on the daily responsibilities of the job. Interviewers are usually not in the habit of giving out specifics of the job during an interview. So, for an interviewer to take you through the nitty-gritty of the job means you struck a nice cord with them. To drive the point home, if the interviewer constantly uses the word “you” when describing these roles, then it simply implies that they foresee you in that role.

2. Salary comes up

For most interviewers, it’s a deliberate waste of time to engage you in the discussion of money if they aren’t serious about hiring you. When interview questions get to the discussion of your past salary and salary expectation, it could be a sign your job interview went well. It’s advisable at this point that you answer from the company’s standpoint because they (interviewers) are seeing you as one already.

3. Encouraged to stay in touch

Not all interviews end with an encouragement to keep in touch with the company. So, if you were handed a business card, the interviewer’s direct line or an email address for you to stay in touch, it means you had a good interview session. When the interviewer informs you after an interview to feel free to contact and ask any question, you are likely on track to be called for a second interview. To show a serious indication of interest from the hiring managers, you might receive statements like “be sure to contact me if you receive an offer from another employer”.

4. Invitation to meet other members of the company

An invitation by the interview to meet other staff in the company happens to be one of the signs of an successful interview. That act of introduction means a pre-induction as a potential colleague. During the opportunities of meeting everyone, be as friendly as you can, and also seize the opportunity to ask any questions regarding the company values and culture. Don’t forget to make a good first impression on everyone as they’d probably be the people you will be working with every day.

The post 4 Strong Signs Your Job Interview Went Well appeared first on The HR Digest.

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