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25 Monday Motivation Ideas to Keep Employees Connected!

 We all feel the Monday blues. Research claims that workers are utmost unhappy at precisely at 11.17 a.m. on Monday morning. If your employees are no fan of Mondays, the chances are that it’s not the day itself that stirs up the doldrums – it’s what they have to do after clocking in to work. It’s ok for employees to feel stress and anxiety on Monday mornings – just don’t let it take control over their overall happiness in the workplace. As a manager, you can turn the morning blues to daffodil yellows with a series of formal and informal Monday motivation ideas and activities.

Employees who feel valued, appreciated and happy with their jobs are more likely to look forward to the start of a new workweek. Imagine waking up each morning looking forward to the work that you’re going to do that day! But for many, the struggle is much more intense and is, in fact, a cause for concern.

Monday Motivation Ideas

“I don’t always dread going into work on Mondays,” an ex-colleague of mine once explained to me when I asked her about a Monday blues Instagram story. “However, I do get anxiety when I think about the work load brought on by my seemingly endless to-do list.”

This can happen when the people in charge fail to find ways to maintain employee happiness and satisfaction in the workplace.

The good news is that one can kick-start a culture that induces employee satisfaction, loyalty and happiness by incorporating fun activities at work to uplift people’s spirits and remind people of their value to their supervisor, their organization, and to each other. This could be in the form of Monday motivation ideas which can have the following benefits:

  • Build camaraderie.
  • Increase productivity.
  • Foster employee loyalty and job satisfaction.
  • Enhance creativity and innovation for better business growth.

You may instill a fun Monday morning with the help of following activities for employee motivation at work:

  • Games;
  • Celebrations;
  • Opportunities for training and development; or
  • Recognition of company achievements and milestones.

When employees are unhappy and disengaged, it’s impossible for them to reach their full potential. If your organization is guilty of not chasing away the Monday blues, there are two things you must do. First, make it a top priority to ensure your workers aren’t feeling burned out. Second, invest in a series of ideas for Monday morning motivation for employees.

Monday motivation ideas

Every day should be about crushing it in the workplace, and making employees feel happier and engaged. Here are a few ways your employees can start spending its Monday mornings:

1. Outdoor meetings.

2. Drum circles.

3. Weird hairdo day.

4. Breakfast meetings.

5. Department show and tell.

6. Desk decorating challenge.

7. Have a talent show.

8. Office Olympics with 5-minute games such as ice curling, nerf gun battles and water balloon fights.

9. Blast music.

10. Office potluck.

11. Tug-of-war contest.

12. Prank wars.

13. Create a humor bulletin board.

14. Scavenger Hunt.

15. Office-themed Pictionary.

16. Chess tournament.

17. Dress up as your favorite character day.

18. Mismatched socks day.

19. Interdepartmental newsletter.

20. Tell jokes.

21. Create art together.

22. Solve a riddle.

23. Outdoor cinema.

24. Office yoga.

25. Foosball tournament.

Mondays should be all about having fun, building team spirit and saying a big fat “thank you” to your team for hard work. 

The post 25 Monday Motivation Ideas to Keep Employees Connected! appeared first on The HR Digest.

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