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December 20, 2022
10 Low Budget Holiday Party Ideas
December 20, 2022

20 Team Building Holiday Party Ideas

Team-building holidays are a great way to build camaraderie, boost morale, and get your team members working together to achieve goals. Holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s are the perfect time for companies to throw their teams together for some fun and games by organizing office holiday party ideas.

The best part about team-building holidays is that they’re perfect for getting everyone involved in activities together and make an excellent excuse to have some fun while still working together.

Team-building holidays are a great way for employees to bond with their coworkers, and one of the best ways to do it is by throwing a party. Whether you want to host a simple get-together or plan an elaborate affair, we’ve got ideas for both.

20 Team Building Holiday Party Ideas

What are some corporate holiday party ideas for team building? 

Whether you’re looking for a fun, inexpensive team-building activity or something that will help your team bond and work together better, you will have to think of office holiday party ideas to get started. Here are some ideas for team-building activities that will help you get those hard-working employees out of the office and into a more social environment:

1) Team trivia night: Group your employees into teams and see who knows the most about random topics like sports or geography. The goal is to see which team can come up with the most interesting answers while collaborating as a team. This is a great way to bring your employees together and therefore encourage team building. Each team will have to work together to choose the right answers and also trust each other’s instincts.

2) Movie night: Grab some snacks and watch a movie together in the office. If you have a projector or screen available, make sure everyone has something to snack on while the movie continues. It will be great to watch a movie everyone is excited about. Let’s say a recent movie update will be a great way to sit down together and enjoy the experience. You can ask each employee to discuss all they have learned so far or how they enjoyed the movie.

3) Pool party: Even if the weather isn’t great outside, there’s always a chance to invite everyone in for some drinks at an apartment complex pool. This idea is particularly perfect for the summer holiday, so everyone can refresh and chill out together.

4) Scavenger hunt: Make a scavenger hunt for everyone to participate in. This is a great way to make your employees work together. Depending on how many employees you have, you’ll have to organize them into teams. Have each team collect a specific item from around the office and bring it back to the meeting room. Before they start searching, make sure they don’t know where anything is located. You can add as many clues as you’d like and award the winners as well.

5) Two truths and a lie: Another great corporate holiday party game to try out with your team is “two truths and a lie.” Here, each employee will take turns telling three holiday facts about themselves. Two of these facts should be true, and the other should be a lie. Then, other employees will have to guess which of them is true and which is false. This is a great way for them to learn more about themselves.

6) Board games: Create a board game or other fun activity to play with everyone in your group as part of your team-building exercise. You can either create one yourself or get an outside company to help with this process. This will help build trust between coworkers, which can be extremely important when working together long-term on projects or on projects that require multiple people working together on them at once.

7) Card decorating: Another great way to make your employees work collaboratively is through card decorations. Have them create personalized cards for each other, or better yet, for outsiders. They should be as creative as possible. This creates a sense of fulfillment for them.

8) Treasure hunt: Create a treasure hunt around your office space by putting out clues throughout the building and letting people find them (or asking them to write down their answers). You should set up a final unique gift at a hidden spot and let them know what they would win by participating in the corporate holiday party game. Each team will work together to win.

9) Photo booth: Set up a photo booth where people can have their picture taken during the holiday. Looking for a memorable event? A photo booth session is a great idea. Get each of your employees to dress up to fit the theme of the holiday. Have them take fun pictures together and give them their printed copies.

10) Office decorating: Another exciting office holiday party idea is office decoration. This is a great way to encourage team building. You can get your employees to decorate the office to fit the theme of the holiday. You can make things more collaborative by grouping them into teams and asking each team to decorate a particular space. The most creative team wins the challenge.

11) Snacknation: A simple afternoon outing isn’t a bad idea (for example, pizza at your favorite Italian restaurant is an easy way to get everyone in sync). You can have your employees pick what snacks they’d love to have and take them over to try them out.

12) Weekend getaway: A weekend-long staycation where each group heads out into town separately, comes back together for dinner, and discusses all they did throughout the day. Alternatively, you could all meet up at a common location and head out on separate adventures together—for example, riding bikes around town or playing games like tag, then come back together for dinner.

13) Outdoor parties: A day trip to a nearby state park (this one’s best suited for small groups). You can have something as simple as a picnic for everyone. If possible, provide picnic lunches for the entire team. This is a great way to connect on a friendlier level and share fun experiences. It is an excellent team building party idea.

14) Virtual Game Night: A game night away from home with employees who live far away from each other (you can use Skype or FaceTime if necessary for communication). You’ll need to organize corporate holiday party games for your employees that work from home. Let them know what they’ll need to bring along and if they need to download any programs. Encourage them to come with their favorite holiday snacks and drinks to make it more fun.

15) Ugly sweater party: Another great corporate holiday party idea is to get your employees to dress up in ugly sweaters. This themed party is very common, especially during the Christmas season. You’ll have to inform your employees of the planned theme for the party so everyone can get creative with their sweaters. Expect some of your employees to make their ugly sweaters themselves, and some others will buy theirs instead. However, you can take things to a higher level by informing them that the person with the most creative sweater will be rewarded. Let them have a runway session to display their creativity too.

Other ideas include:

17) Volunteer event.

18) Secret Santa.

19) Wine tasting.

20) Sports party.

21) Cooking competition.


Office holiday party ideas that encourage team building are great choices for any organization looking to encourage DE&I. You can try out any of the ideas discussed above to enjoy the holiday with your team. 

The post 20 Team Building Holiday Party Ideas appeared first on The HR Digest.

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